Anti-Icing / De-Icing

Liquid ice preventer

Bulk deliveries of any quantity

  • Our solution ensures effortless snow shoveling and plowing by preventing the formation of ice on sidewalks, steps, driveways and parking lots

  • Equipped to handle even the harshest of winter weather, our solution effectively cuts through ice and snow down to temperatures of -35°C

  • Our environmentally-friendly approach ensures that both people and the planet are protected

  • For optimal results, our anti-icing application can be pre-sprayed up to 48 hours prior to a snowfall, or for best results, 1-2 hours before the snowfall

  • In case of existing ice, our de-icing application involves first shoveling or plowing, followed by the application of liquid calcium solution

Also available in 1,000L totes

Prices FOB Camrose, AB. Delivery available. Corrosion inhibitor additive available.

Our liquid calcium solution boasts exceptional effectiveness on its own, but can also be utilized to enhance the performance of winter sand or rock salt. When blended with winter sand, it helps maintain the sand's consistency and prevents freezing during application.

Furthermore, when mixed with winter sand or rock salt, the combination enhances the adherence of the product to the surface and its ability to penetrate ice, achieving an even more effective outcome.